Simplified navigation and homepage
in progress
Doug Ollivier
I don't know about others, but I really struggle with the organization of work, the navigation to work, and the way work is presented to me in various screens.
I find the display, grouping, and organization of the home screens and dashboards to be all a bit confusing, and feel I'd benefit from more clear project navigation choices, or a different layout of the various projects & folders etc...
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Marianne Grisdale
The most recent insight view is completely useless when you have multiple people working in Dovetail. I'd rather just be able to save (rather than just follow) my workspace view. Also, wish the most current project was at the top rather than the bottom.
Pat Barlow
in progress
Jazmin Taheri
on our radar
Hi Doug Ollivier,
Happy to announce that our team is working on an overhaul of the workspace and project navigation to simplify the experience. We are also working on a dynamic workspace home of curated, relevant insights based on per-user personalization.