Allow Magic automation settings to be controlled on a workspace level rather than project level
Carolyn Buehler
It is time-consuming to have to set the magic automation for each project. It would be more efficient to have this setting at the workspace level instead.
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Jazmin Taheri
Merged in a post:
Ability to stop AI highlights
Linda Donaldson
I manually highlighted something and then AI highlighted a ton of other stuff I don't care about. Now I have to delete those highlights one by one. I need to be able to turn off this feature or manually delete highlights. Deleting them one by one is a huge, huge pain. I don't think this feature was well-designed.
Carolyn Buehler
Hi Pat Barlow, thanks for your attention to this.
- I imagine that I would be able to turn it off for myself, in a way that it applies to any future projects, while also allowing another person on my team (if applicable) to use it. So, it feels more like something I'd expect to find in 'my account' or 'settings' on the main settings level rather than on a per-project level. The need to remember to turn it off (rather than turn it on) on each project level is not ideal. Maybe if it's impossible to do on the account level, having an option via popup modal or something toturn it onafter creating the first tag would work? Strong preference for being able to toggle on/off on account level, but I know sometimes there are eng complexities
- I can't think of any others at the moment. I need to look into cross-project tags more, but haven't been able to find a great way to do that.
- I usually am not having to adjust any settings on a project level. I created a 'template' that I use when starting a new cycle of research and use it to upload interviews, do tagging, and affinity mapping etc. I created 'fields' in the template, so I'm not having to re-create that with every new project.
Carolyn Buehler
Something I mentioned on Slack also as a clarification to this ticket being created:
it’s not that it’s
time consuming
to actually turn the feature off — it’s upsetting that this was added without ability to opt in, and automatically applied to my videos without me realizing it. It's frustrating and unlikely that I will remember to go into project-settings to turn it off for every new project. If I don’t remember to turn it off, I’m then back in the same boat where I will realize that there’s auto-tagging happening and then need to go back and pick through to remove the tags I didn’t add. It's time consuming to delete tags, and honestly the places it did tag automatically make no sense as to why they were tagged with that tag.P
Chiming in here too because I found this post on Slack and also want workspace level control to turn off auto tagging
Auto tagging has created a tonne of extra work when it just applies to many wrong tags to things and I have to review 20-30 tags and delete almost all of them. An example, in a recent project I have an 'app store impression' tag, Dovetail applied this tag to everything 'impression' related in the project.
I'd like to be able to set a default for new projects 'auto tagging' and 'suggesting' as off. I basically just want a 'Magic Automation' pop up like you have, but to set as defaults across the workspace. I can then enable it at the project level If I want to use certain features.
Pat Barlow
Hey Carolyn Buehler, thanks for your feedback! Following up on this:
- Can you provide more details on how you envision the workspace-level control of magic automation settings?
- What specific features or settings would you like to control at the workspace level?
- How often do you find yourself needing to adjust these settings on a project level?
Pat Barlow
Thank you for posting, Linda Donaldson! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details about the specific scenarios where you find the AI highlights to be irrelevant or unhelpful?
- Would you find it useful to have a 'select all' option for deleting highlights, or would you prefer to have more control over the AI's highlighting feature?
- Can you share any specific instances where the AI's highlighting feature has hindered your workflow?