Add clustering by metadata
Marja Germans Gard
It would be a huge asset to be able to build out the cluster feature to allow for clustering by metadata. I use fields to identify user segments as well as other grouping variables (e.g., site locations) and I'd like to be able to group highlights by those metadata variables to explore the data solely within those groups.
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Pat Barlow
Great to hear your perspective, Marja Germans Gard! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific metadata fields are most important for your clustering needs?
- How frequently do you anticipate using the clustering by metadata feature?
- Can you provide examples of how clustering by metadata would improve your current workflow?
Marja Germans Gard
Pat Barlow thanks for the speedy reply! Answers below:
- I think that this would depend from project to project according to what the research questions are. For example, in one of my current projects I created a field for site type (e.g., campus, medical center, agricultural site etc) to test hypotheses around different user needs and processes depending on the site. In another of the ongoing projects we would want to segment by persona, and in another we might want to break out by use case.
- I imagine I would use this type of clustering in any large scale research study where I have data from multiple groups. From the conversation this morning at office hours, I learned that I could import filter highlights by group and import into separate canvases, but I anticipate that it would be a less efficient workflow to navigate multiple canvases during analysis.
- I currently have a project where I have a chunk of discovery interviews across a variety of site types (see answer to number 1). For this project, I would want to be able to analyze the data as a whole (collapsed across sites) to see if there are any overarching themes that emerge, but I'd also want to analyze the data within site type to see if there are insights that pertain specifically to that group, and compare the groups on the themes that emerge.
LMK if I can provide any additional info and thanks again!