Ability to password protect web links
SILJAN Marie Aaltvedt
Will allow web links to be shared and only accessed using a password
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Pat Barlow
Hello SILJAN Marie Aaltvedt! Following up on this:
- What specific use cases or scenarios do you envision for password-protected web links?
- Are there any specific security standards or protocols you expect for the password protection feature?
- How important is it for you to have the ability to customize the password requirements (e.g., length, complexity)?
SILJAN Marie Aaltvedt
Pat Barlow Hey! Thanks for your follow-up questions :-)
- In my case I use Dovetail in client projects. The users we use in the testing are promised that the tests will be kept for internal use only. With a completely open URL, it feels too risky to share the insights. With a password (either customized or not) it feels more safe to share.
- I don't have any specific standards I expect.
- Would be nice to customize - but not a must.